Frozen freezing cold! Legendary “overlord cold wave” has come, even have snow in Shenzhen!Cold! But cold! And wet!
This year, Shenzhen has experienced the coldest winter over the years.However, still unable to frozen people’s enthusiasm of 3onedata.
Technical support staff all over the country of the customer service department of 3onedata,They are fearless cold wind and rain, ran in the cold winter for customer service.
Thanks for those who still fighting in the front line in the cold winter of 3onedata technical personnel.
Because of your support services, guaranteed the safe operation of numerous electricity, energy, transportation equipment.
Because of your rapid response of service request, showed service concept of 3onedata “service is product, product is service” .
The service you silently paid in the cold winter all over the country, showed our quality, determination and the most brilliant aspects to the world.